Kavya Sridharan

Name: Kavya Sridharan
Student Id: w1982608
Role: Student 1
The following pages were edited by me:


The splashscreen is created to show the new users our Website mission,Group members and their specific roles. It contains:

  1. Website Mission This lets the user know what the website will be about and the main message we are trying to convey.
  2. Group Members + Roles: This lets user know who was part of this project to make this website and what role they took.
  3. Redirection: After 4 seconds as required on the specification the splash screen redirects the user to the home page.
  4. Loaders image: This lets the user know that the website is loading and this page will be directed to the website once after it load (4seconds)


This page contains all the items that our website sells,it also encourages people to buy and use eco-friendly products:

  • Products: Has products which are included in the shop and customisable options for each one,also provides short information about each product.
  • Order Summary: Basket showing what the user has ordered and how much each item is with the total price of all the products added together at the bottom of the checkout basket.
  • Checkout Page: Links to another page where it asks for users information to complete placing the order
  • Content page

    Content page is created to give a deeper insight on the website and it purpose.

  • Topic: IHow melting glaciers affecting us?
  • Content: Knowledges you with how climate is affected with pollution created by industries.
  • Editor's Links: Direct links to the editors of the website.
  • Page Editor: Student 1

    All the members of the team has responsibility for creating an individual editor's page and providing specifics information of what they've contributed.

  • Personal Introduction: Displaying the team member's name and role.
  • Task List: A detailed account what task team member has done.
  • Interlinking: Includes a link to the editor page on all pages created by the team member, enhancing connectivity and team visibility.